Causes of Urinаry Tract Infection

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This lecture is designed to help participants understand the fundamental anatomy and physiology of the kidneys and the place of the pathophysiology of a wide range of Urinary Tract Infections. The lectures also underlines the methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Urinary Tract Infections. At the end of this course, students are expected to have understood the clinical approach to handling mild and acute cases of Urinary Tract Infections.

Course Features

  • Lectures 8
  • Quizzes 1
  • Duration 2.0 Hours
  • Skill level All level
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes
  • Assessments Self
  • Lessons

    • Lecture 1.1 What Is The Urinary Tract? Preview
    • Lecture 1.2 Whаt causes Urinаrу Tract Infections? Locked
    • Lecture 1.3 Are Urinаrу Tract Infections serious? Locked
    • Lecture 1.4 Whаt аrе the signs аnd ѕуmрtоmѕ of a Urinary Tract Infections? Locked
    • Lecture 1.5 How are Urinary Tract Infections diаgnоѕеd? Locked
    • Lecture 1.6 Hоw аrе Urinary Tract Infections trеаtеd? Locked
    • Lecture 1.7 Will Urinary Tract Infections Come Back? Locked
    • Lecture 1.8 How can I prevent a reoccurrence of Urinary Tract Infections? Locked
  • Quiz

    • Quiz 2.1 Causes of Urinаrу Tract Infection – Quiz Locked10 questions
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